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Aerobics to lose weight: the way to stay in shape

Reading time : 6 min
Everyone dreams of having a toned body and a flat stomach. It is important to practice aerobics to lose weight. Whether you have good or bad athletic abilities, aerobics is good for your health, especially for helping you lose weight.


Aerobics to lose weight: the beginning

Aerobics is a dance gymnastics filled with benefits, especially for losing weight. To understand and learn the benefits of aerobics for weight loss, let's start with its foundation. 

The genesis

When we talk about aerobics, we are often lost because we don't know where to place it.. Aerobics mixes with 3 disciplines: gymnastics, fitness and dance. This concept emerged in America in the 1960s for group lessons. Dr. Kenneth Cooper was interested in this practice and created the term “aerobics”. He did research which showed thatan aerobic exercise program helps prevent cardiovascular disease and help with weight loss. In addition, This discipline strengthens muscular strength and strength then oxygenates the tissues. Aerobic exercises consist of cardio workouts, stretching and muscle strengthening. 

In 1978, came on the scene Jane Fonda, she discovered aerobics. Then in the early 1980s, she launched a program of 23 fitness exercise videos. It was a global success since sales reached 17 million copies. This marks a turning point in the history of the sport, as aerobics will become extremely popular. At the same time, fitness rooms and gymnasiums will open to accommodate this new feature. 

Furthermore, in 1994, the International Olympic Committee requested the development of a high-level practice with the help of the International Gymnastics Federation. Eventually, In December 1995, aerobics appeared in the world championships. 

Over time, aerobics became a sport in its own right. It can be practiced both for leisure and in high-level competition. 

Arrival in France 

We can say thank you to Jane Fonda for being the queen of aerobics since in the 1980s, in France, it became a very popular sport. For what ? Because women had a sport in which they could find themselves. It was fortunate at the time because the sport was mainly for men. At a time when disco and colors were the order of the day, women finally dared to take out their colorful, close-fitting clothes to perfect their silhouettes. 

It's a time to decompress, but it's also sharing and some relaxation having aims to improve physical condition. 

Aerobics in all its forms

Aerobics comes in several ways. Indeed, according to your desires and your desire for intensity. There are 3, the LIA, the Hi-Low and the HIA. They serve as aerobics to lose weight. 


LIA or Low Impact Aerobic is a choreographed session involving cardio training. It is a specificity for those who like difficulty and challenge! In fact, the sessions work by learning choreographies to remember for future sessions. But it has no impact. 

The foot is constantly in contact with the ground, there is no jumping or running on the spot. This allows the back and joints to be protected from any injury. There are also no sports movements like squats or lunges since there is no strengthening, the objective is to combine cardio and dance. 

We often think that this is an easy session, but think again! It is essentially walking in place, knee raises, step touches and lateral movements. 

However, as we progress,The level of choreography intensifies. The pace quickens, the movements are more danceable and require more cardio. 

Is LIA effective for losing weight? Between concentration, coordination and location in space and even if it is less intense than other sports which combine aerobic movement and bodybuilding. But it allows you to harden your cardio and therefore burn fat and burn calories. 

The Hi-low

Hi-low Impact Aerobic is a ground impact fitness exercise. It is the result of 2 types of aerobics: a strong impact, High Impact Aerobic and a weak one, Low Impact Aerobic. The Hi-Low is recommended for people who like intensive sports. It is composed of arm movements, steps, jumps and pirouettes with a musical background that varies between calm music and rhythmic music. 

When you are in Hi Impact, the movements are intense and result in skipping steps and lifting feet. Low Impact is quite the opposite. We find music and always one foot on the ground. But for both cases, the sequences require flexibility, coordination and physical endurance. Due to its intensity and the efforts it requires, it helps you lose weight. 

The hia

High Impact Aerobic is high impact aerobics. It's a rhythmic dance that combines Low Impact Aerobics and dynamic sports movements like hops, side steps, and jog steps. These are very strict workouts and exercises. That's why this sport is predestined for people with good physical condition.  

It's the best way to burn calories. 

The benefits of aerobics

Aerobics offers many benefits such as: 

Better cardiovascular health. In fact, theaerobics works the cardio much more than any other muscle. The workouts allow improve the oxygenation of the veins, regulate your blood pressure and blood circulation. As your heart rate increases during exercise, with practice you will have more stamina for any activity. 

Obviously, unsurprisingly, aerobics makes you losing weight since it helps eliminate fat.

It brings you good mood thanks to the hormones of happiness which are diffused in your body. 

Aerobics at the ability to reduce your cholesterol. You eliminate fat from your arteries, therefore, aerobics helps increase “good cholesterol” by reducing bad cholesterol. But for this to work, you need to have a healthy diet alongside it. 

It also allows strengthen your immune system. We notice positive effects such as avoiding viral diseases at any time of the year. 

Finally, he is able to strengthen your bones and make muscles flexible through the absorption of calcium.

There are also dance classes to build muscle, discover them in our article Dancing to build muscle: the areas stimulated

To not forget

Your brain has accumulated a lot of information, a little summary of aerobics to lose weight is necessary. 

We saw how aerobics was invented in the 1960s. Thanks to Dr. Kenneth Cooper for highlighting the benefits of aerobics! It was then, Jane Fonda, in the 1980s who popularized the practice in a series of videos which sold more than 17 million copies, in France and around the world. 

Then we reviewed, the 3 different forms of aerobics which imply more or less intensity but they have one thing in common: they all allow you to lose weight. 

  • The LIA : during choreographed cardio training without impact making it possible to combine the cardio and the dance. There are knee lifts, step touches, the foot is constantly on the ground. It can make you lose weight since you combine concentration, coordination and spatial awareness.
  • The Hi-Low : This is a course of aerobic fitness with floor impact. It's a intensive sport. In this style, we find Hi Impact which consists of intense movements such as skipping steps and lifting feet. Then, you rest a little with Low Impact with one foot on the ground. Both sequences require some flexibility and of physical endurance to the rhythm of soft and dynamic music. Because this style of aerobics is intense and requires constant effort, you can count on the Hi-Low to losing weight.
  • The HIA : It's high impact aerobics. It is recommended for people with excellent physical condition. HIA is very demanding since it is a rhythmic dance with the basics of Low Impact Aerobic and dynamic sports movements like jogging steps and side steps. It is the most effective way to burn fat.

Finally, here are the benefits of aerobics: 

  • Better cardiovascular health 
  • Burn calories
  • Puts you in a good mood
  • Reduces your cholesterol 
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Strengthen your bones
  • Makes your muscles flexible

Dance and lose weight at DECIBEL®

You want keep your figure and promote your weight loss grâce à la danse ? Lancez-vous dans un cours de danse originale chez DECIBEL®

Move your body freely during 45-minute sessions in the dark to rhythmic music. 

Let yourself be guided by our competent coaches who listen to your needs. 

So, convinced by this proposal?



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