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How to learn to dance alone?
Learn to dance alone: how to do it?
To learn to dance alone, you don't have to be afraid to take the plunge! Start by choosing the type of dance that suits you, learn the basic steps and choreography and get started! The more regular your training, the more you will see progression in your learning.
Choose your dance style
When you are a beginner, you must necessarily choose a dance style specific to start! You will thus be able to concentrate on the basics of the discipline without getting lost in the specificities of each dance style.
A wide choice of dances is offered to you:
- classic dance
- contemporary dance
- modern dance
- modern jazz
- hip hop
- break dance
- salsa
- samba
- Bollywood
- Oriental dance
- cha cha cha
- etc.
To know which dance to choose, do not hesitate to consult our article!
Immerse yourself in dance videos
THE dance videos are your best friends ! You will be able to discover the universe and the different specificities of the type of dance that you have chosen to get started.
Thus, in analyzing and memorizing videos and dance choreographies, little by little you will be more confident and comfortable in developing movements.
This allows you to do work on your memory and your ability to remember specific choreography. With training, thesequence of steps will be done more and more automatically thanks to that.
Observe the professionals
And yes, watch professionals from the dance industry is a good way to progress.
Just like when you watch a video, without really realizing it, you imbibe the attitudes of the dancers And you memorize the different steps more easily.
Get started and have fun!
Put on music that you like, which makes you want to dance and get started without thinking too much!
Go into total improvisation si vous le sentez ! Écoutez la musique, les vibrations des notes et les sensations dans votre corps à l’écoute de la musique. Laissez-vous aller sur le rythme et ne pensez pas aux pas que vous faites, laissez votre jeu de jambes s’emballer et partez en freestyle !
If you're not sure how to get started with improv, try reproduce a choreography that you have learned to set a framework for yourself.
This will subsequently allow you to analyze whether you are performing the movements correctly and adjust your technique afterwards.
The more you repeat the movements and choreographies, the more comfortable you will be!
Train regularly
To succeed in progressing alone, without taking dance classes, you have no choice: you need to train regularly!
To practice, you can just as easily dance a little less formally. In the evening, with your friends, with your family, etc. Everything is allowed !
Forget using the mirror when you first start out
THE mirror maybe a double-edged object, especially when you first started dancing! You mustuse with caution because it can affect your learning. We explain why!
Avoid analyzing yourself directly
When you start dancing, it is complicated to do two actions simultaneously. So, when you first start out, you will tend to want to both dance and analyze yourself at the same time.
These two actions must therefore be carried out separately for better learning of the dance.
You must therefore start by dancing, Then analyze your performance secondly For be able to make a personal judgment about yourself.
The useful mirror for the rest of your learning
Subsequently, obviously that the mirror is a good ally for your learning. You just have to understand that to learn dancing you have to do things separately.
Indeed, you have no teacher to correct and guide you : you are your own teacher !
Smile for the camera!
Instead of observing and analyzing yourself while you dance, take your phone or a camera and film yourself ! We give you advice on how to put it all in place.
Film yourself
To learn to dance, you have no choice but to analyze yourself and see what you need to work on in particular. For this, it is interesting for you to film you !
You can focus on your performance once you have danced and not at the same time. Everything in its time !
Choose music that you like
The music you choose may be music that inspires you or else a music to which you master a choreography.
The goal is that it motivates you, gives you want to move and surpass yourself ! If you dance to music you like, you will still take more pleasure.
Find a suitable place
Before you start, you need to find a place where you will have enough space to perform your choreography. The goal is to not feel restricted in your movements !
The location you choose should also make you feel comfortable. Favor a place that you like and in which you feel well. A good atmosphere will make your moment go smoothly!
Install the camera
Once you have chosen the location, take what you need to install the camera or your phone. For this, a shelf, A tripod or a trusted person can be good solutions.
Operate the camera and take a few minutes to clear your mind : forget the camera and dance as if you were alone in the world !
All you have to do is put the music playing and give everything you have! Free yourself, feel the music, vibrate to the tempo and let yourself be invaded by the choreography.
The more you putemotions in your dance, the more your attitude and your interpretation will be in concordance with the music.
Analyze yourself
Once you have given your all during the few minutes of dancing, you have a choice: either you watch the video now, or you repeat several takes in a row.
The second option allows you to see if you adjust certain movements automatically without needing to watch the video or on the contrary having more material to analyze your way of dancing.
Do not have not ashamed nor afraid to look at you, on the contrary! Tell yourself that these are your first steps and that it's totally normal that it's not perfect.
Be objective but also kind to yourself.
Take a sheet or notepad and note the Areas for improvement that you observe on the video with hindsight. You'll know that these are the specific things you need to work on to make the next video better!
By following this path, you will gradually see real improvements in your technique.
To conclude
Learn to dance alone is a process that may seem complicated, and yet, if you follow our advice, you will see real progress!
As a reminder, here is what you can do to learn to dance solo:
- choose your dance style
- watch videos
- observe professionals in the sector
- dare to dance
- train regularly
- avoid starting to dance while looking in a mirror
- film yourself so you can be your own judge of your performances
Of course, you can adjust this list and add many more tips!
Discover dance at the DECIBEL® studio
In addition to your solo dance learning, come and discover the new DECIBEL® concept !
Mix of dance and workout, develop your sense of rhythm, your ear for music, and your self-confidence while exercising!
Come sweat with our coaches who motivate you and introduce you to a new way of doing sport.
Clear your head, leave your stress and anxieties in the locker room and dance like crazy with us !
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