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danse pour se défouler : un cours de danse dynamique


Dance to let off steam: Sh'bam releases your energy

Reading time : 7 min

In a world where stress and the tensions accumulate, it is essential to find a way to evacuate them. What other better solution than dance to let off steam ? Sh'bam, close to zumba, allows you to discover new rhythms. All the stiffness have disappeared after a session. Discover one of the sports that is attracting more and more people. 


Dancing to let off steam: highlighting the sh'bam

The sh'bam is ideal if you want a dance to let off steam. It's an energetic and entertaining dance that allows you to exercise in a fun way. This discipline is beginning to make a place for itself within the field of dance. Find out why this activity is attracting more and more fans around the world. 

His origin

The sh'bam was born thanks to the New Zealand company The mills, specializing in the creation of innovative fitness programs. It was in 1968 that the company became a global player in the fitness industry. Then, the Mills had the idea of combine the benefits of dance with the intensity of a fitness class. 

Years later, in 2008, the first sh'bam program was launched. Furthermore, it is inspired by current trends, in particular the contemporary dance and popular musical styles of the time. This is why the discipline quickly became successful and managed to distinguish itself from other fitness classes with its boundless energy and festive atmosphere. What also makes the practice so charming is that it is designed so that everyone can participate, regardless of level or physical condition. 

The influences of sh'bam

The creators drew inspiration from a variety of dance styles, which led to the fusion rhythmic And catchy that we know at the sh'bam. Indeed, among these types of dance, we find the Latin dances like samba, salsa or flamenco up to the movements of hip-hop and reggaeton, through contemporary choreographies. By combining these elements with popular music, sh'bam becomes a complete experience emotionally and physically. 

The sh'bam today

From the start, the sh'bam knew how to meet its audience. Even more today, its festive and accessible side attracts many passionate dancers simply looking to let off steam. Therefore, the teaching of this dance quickly spread to gyms around the world. 

danse pour se défouler :  une femme faisant de la danse

Sh'bam: the complete sport to let off steam

The sh'bam dance is a real dance and fitness experience whose watchwords are energy, pleasure And accessibility. In this article, we will explore the Fundamental principles of this activity which made her unavoidable in gyms around the world. 

Pleasure and joy of dancing

One of the elements that brings joy to dancing is the music. For good reason, each session is synchronized with popular music. Music plays a crucial role since it inspired the participants and guide in their movements. Additionally, music acts as a natural fuel, automatically propelling the dancers into the experience. 

Then, the simplicity movements seduce the public. Indeed, the choreographies are composed of not simple so that they can be accessible to all. This simplicity allows dancers to loosen and this let off steam without feeling intimidated. 

Finally, the sh'bam encourages freedom of expression. Although the choreographies are guided by an instructor, dancers can add their personal touch. This approach promotes development of self-confidence and allows everyone to feel valued And accepted

Energy and intensity 

If this discipline brings all the participants into a whirlwind of exaltation on the dance floor, it is partly for theintensity of cardiovascular training that she offers. Effectively, the whole body is mobilized and the heart rate increases, thus offering a complete cardio training. 

Moreover, the sh'bam uses all muscle groups according to the choreographies, creating a balanced and complete experience. As a result, you'll find movements that work the arms, legs, glutes and core, helping to strengthen the body. 

Finally, the energy and intensity mixed with dynamic movements and music, transport the dancers into a state of euphoria which pushes them to let off steam, has let go And improves their well-being. 

Some sh'bam choreographies

The sh'bam is a dancing adventure which never ceases to combine different styles of dances and of music to create a captivating practice. To understand what it is, here are some examples ofchoreographic sequences in sh'bam. 

Salsa in flames

First of all, you will start with no basis to practice with ease And fluidity. You must perform side steps, forward steps, backward steps and casino steps. 

How to perform the basic steps? First, you must perform a slight bending of knees and hips so that the travel be fluids And gracious. Then you can continue with the “dile-no-que” movement. It's a series of quick basic steps to do in front of your partner. With your partner, move around circle in turning on yourselves. 

Additionally, you can include figures who are complex sequences of movements made up of step sequences, rhythm variations and turns. Then you can emphasize excessive arm movements by completing them with leg movements. Finally, you can finish with body insulation. 

Festive reggaeton

At the heart of festive reggaeton are the no basic reggaeton which include swayed, of the side steps, of the hip movements and rhythmic arm movements. 

One of the moves you can encounter in party reggaeton is twerking. The latter involves rapid and rhythmic pelvic movements. 

After that, you can operate shuffling movements which is an urban dance movement at its core. You need to quickly slide your feet alternately across the floor. You slide and bounce across the ground, giving a spectacular visual effect. Also, to enrich the spectacular effect, you can do body isolations. 

Finally, you can end up on energetic arm movements moving them with speed and precision.   

Passionate flamenco 

Within flamenco, you can dance the “taconeao” characteristic of flamenco with its rhythmic strikes of heels on the floor who demand strength And precision. In addition to the taconeo, the “zapateo” is integrated into the choreography. It consists of light, quick strikes of the feet on the ground. By running it, you add complexity to the dance. To this you can add fluid arm movements. 

Then you can include “floreos” which are complex hand movements which add a delicate dimension to dance and capture the attention of the audience. 

To close your choreography, you can do braceo movements. These are graceful arm movements that follow the rhythm of the melody. 

Electrifying hip-hop

When practicing electrifying hip-hop, you start with the not classic. That is to say, jump steps, slide steps, side steps and crossover steps. They are helpful in mastering the style and attitude of this type of dance. 

Furthermore, other styles blend into hip-hop, notably popping and the lock. Firstly, popping includes elements such as crapid, jerky muscle contractions. Like locking which is based on jerky movements and frozen poses. It is possible to supplement them with powerful and lively arm movements. 

Finally, you can accomplish insulation bodily to highlight certain movements, create transitions between steps or to convey intense emotion. 

Energetic rock

Another popular choreography in sh'bam is energetic rock. The latter includes side steps, bounce steps, slide steps, forward and backward steps. 

First, rebound steps are small rhythmic jumps on the floor which add an exciting and dynamic tone to the dance. These can be incorporated into arm movements and body isolations. 

The benefits

As you can imagine, sh'bam is much more than a dance session. It combines physical exercise, music and dance to offer different benefits to body and mind. This practice uniquely enriches your life with the following virtues: 

  • Burns calories
  • Improves the cardiovascular system 
  • Muscle strengthening
  • Better coordination 
  • Develop balance
  • Reduced stress
  • Brings mental well-being
  • Increases self-confidence 

danse pour se défouler :  échauffement d'une danse

The essentials of dancing to let off steam

Sh'bam is an effective practice if you are looking for a dance to let off steam. The discipline involves bringing together dance moves and fitness intensity. It should be noted that the most recurring dances in this area are the Latin dances, contemporary dance and hip hop. 

Furthermore, if the sh'bam is so successful, it is because it is based on two principles which make the discipline completed, here they are : 

  • Pleasure and joy of dancing
  • Energy and intensity 


Furthermore, these principles give rise to several choreographies which are as follows: 

  • Salsa in flames
  • Festive reggaeton
  • Electrifying hip-hop
  • Energetic rock
  • Passionate flamenco


Finally, regular practice of this activity offers some profits as : 

  • Weightloss
  • Development of coordination and balance
  • Tones the muscles
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Reduces stress
  • Increases well-being
  • Develop self-confidence

Dance to let off steam at DECIBEL®

Are you itching to exercise? Work your cardio and your muscles in depth while dancing at DECIBEL®. Let off steam while 45 minutes of intensive workout. After that you will be exhausted but strengthened! By freeing your movements, you strengthen your muscles, abs, cardio and glutes on choreographies made in DECIBEL®. 

Externalize your worries on playlists new and stimulating. In addition, thanks to the studio immersed in dim light, you will not have to be ashamed of your movements and will be able to ask advice from our coaches who are fully available for you. 

Want to let off steam while dancing?



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