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danse du monde : danse traditionnelle chinoise


Go on an adventure of world dance through peoples

Reading time : 12 min

There dance is an integral part of crops of the whole world. Certain forms that we are going to see today are known and no longer have anything to prove to the different peoples of the surface of the Earth, from ballet to break dancing. In honor of International Dance Day which took place a few days ago, let's do a large group overview which brings together the essential dances: the world dance.  


The importance of world dance in our societies

Since the dawn of time, dance has had a cultural impact in our societies. She is present for big events like weddings, rituals or celebrations. It is a means of expression that allows you to stay healthy but also to let your emotions shine through and highlight your creativity. Let's see how the dance of the world is essential within our civilization. 

His roles

There dance is a universal language which translates into non-verbal communication, of the gestures, of the facial expressions. No need to speak the same language to understand each other. It is constantly used to convey stories or ideas understandable by everyone. Beyond that, dance fulfills some functions which we will see right away. 

Entertainment function

We are talking here about dance with the aim of create fun or relaxation. Popular under the name “social dance”, it does not use no code to leave the dancer free to move and to give him the opportunity toexpress your personality. The only goal being to spread joy. Among them, we include line dancing, ballroom dancing and even leisure dancing. 

Artistic function

This form was invented in order to communicate of the emotions even theories. These are generally representations made in theaters. The dances that appear there are often dances traditional such as classical dance, modern dance or tap dancing. These are necessarily choreographed on the no rhythmic, fluid or jerky dances. Among all the dance styles, she is the more Ancient in all existing cultures. 

Ceremonial function

This aspect concerns dances produced for reasons of celebrations or rituals. It comes to life across the world to give meaning to events. For example, in Ivory Coast or on the Tonga islands, to crown the king or celebrate the anniversary of the constitution, it is customary to dance the lakalaka. Let's take the example of a ritual, in North America, the Plains Indians practice the “dancing while looking at the sun” during the summer solstice. The reason for this dance is the strong belief in a continuity between life and death and that the latter is not an end but a reviviscence. 

Traditional dances around the world

There are many styles of dance performed every day around the world. Who says several dance forms, said changes And developments obvious. Over the centuries, this is exactly what happened and what created the dances we know today. 

Latin America and the Caribbean 

Traditional Latin American and Caribbean dances are rich in cultural history from indigenous peoples. THE European settlers and the African slaves have strongly influence this kind of dance in the 1500s to become the style of Latin dance we know today. 

But then what is the root of Latin dances? These dances are inspired by traditional dances from South America, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America. These dances were deeply rooted in the culture of community rituals. In fact, they were made for rituals, fights And festivities in order to celebrate THE beliefs cultural. At that time, it was the natives who danced. Their movements were ordered And harmonized, some dancers did not hesitate to operate complex gestures

Nowadays, Latin dances are popular in many continents and have been developed in more than one city. Once they arrived in the United States and Europe, these dances were modified And theorized notably by dance institutes and musicians. 


Who doesn't know Flamenco? This famous dance took its first steps in the Andalusia region of Spain 500 years ago. She is multicultural since it received gypsy, Islamic, Sephardic, Andalusian and Arab influences. Flamenco is a duo dance that involves: guitar, singing, dance, snaps of hands. Today she is often represented in shows. What does it look like? Generally, the dancers remain static until the coming of firsts notes of the melody. There follows a fiery dance punctuated with kick of one of the partners while respecting the rhythm of the music. Let us not forget that the primary goal of dancers is tointerpret the lyrics of the song through movements delicate And aesthetic

Bollywood dance

How can you miss the traditional dance of Indian cinema? Bollywood dance dates from the 20th century in India. The characteristics of this dance come from the Indian performing arts tradition written in the treatise on two-thousand-year-old theater. This describes Bollywood dance as a mix of action, acting scenes, dances and songs. You will have understood, the dancers exercise elaborate choreographies to vigorous movements comprising many participants. There we find elements of folk dances And classics turkey. In certain choreographies you will be able to see rock moves, of belly dance or break dance. However, there remains an identifiable element of this dance, the costumes. These make it possible to detect in which atmosphere we are : classic, extravagant, THE bling-bling where the kitsch


Tango is a couples dance that appeared in the 1880s in Rio de la Plata on the border between Argentina and Uruguay. It developed in disadvantaged neighborhoods where African descendants lived. What sets tango apart is its sensuality and the'energy What demand. Indeed, tango draws its sensuality from the fact that the duo must embrace, chest to chest, hands intertwined, cheeks together and legs bent. The basics of tango are ornaments produced by the foot that hits the ground, of the not forward-backward and one transfer of weight from one partner to the other

If you are interested in duo dances, read about our article dance for two. 


Salsa is a Cuban duo dance created during the 1900s. It consists of different musical and rhythmic elements. At the beginning, there was Cuban music and some Afro-Cuban rumba who have established the foundations of salsa. He was then merged At American jazz and established himself in New York. This is why today there is two styles of salsa: Cuban and American. THE movements are classics. The partners hold hands, the dance steps go back and forth and the dancer can twirl the dancer.


Bachata is a Latin couple dance originating from the Dominican Republic which began in the 1960s. It is a dance accessible for beginners due to its binary rhythms And jerky which allow a wide range of body expression. Like Tango, it is also a sensual dance which is done to Latin music. The movement is simple, they are no front to back or side to side with some turning points and the presence of a swayed.


Packed by a urban dance ? Reggaeton is for you! Before becoming a dance, it was a musical style from the 1990s. Then the dance that accompanies it arrived in Jamaica shortly before the 1970s. It is a mix of hip hop, reggae and salsa, which was hugely successful with American-Latinos. This dance will experience the same popularity in the 2000s internationally. What sets it apart? It is also danced well in solo that in couple. Then, the body must be good anchor At ground, you need a good coordination pelvis/torso essential to dance, legs inflected to free the movements of basin. On the movement side, we can cite the undulations, THE tremors and the rotations of basin.

As said previously, reggaeton can be danced alone. In most cases, solo, this dance is used to to highlight and demonstrate the ability to perform movements fast, particularly at the level of hips

In duo, there women has her back to her partner, she guide dancing while holding a movement supported by basin which will direct the movements of man. 

danse du monde : un homme faisant du break dance

North America

The United States is the cradle of dances ofdifferent origins, notably African settlers and slaves. A truly culture dance registered. Let's see this through several examples. 

Break dance

Up for a physical dance ? Break dancing is a dance popularized in the 1970s in the form of street dance in the alleys of New York. Located in the hip hop culture, it is necessary to have a good flexibility, A powerful control of his body, of the momentum, of endurance, of the speed, of the flexibility and an strength For perform and support complex movements to be carried out. Mostly practiced solo, movements are athletic, fast, on the ground, hands and feet. There is not always choreography for this style of dance, the music is varied, it can go from funk to breakbeat. We also find elegant poses called freeze which involves lifting yourself off the ground using your upper body strength.  


Hip hop is also part of the urban culture founded in the 1970s on the streets of the Bronx. This movement is a response to a protest movement among black youth in New York. One of the main movements is the break dance or street dancing, his gestures are rhythmic And fast

The swing

The swing is a form of jazz and of dance which was made between the 1920s and 1930s in the United States. This type of dance is distinguished by movements rhythmic And energetic which blend perfectly with the music. There are several variations of swing but there are basic movements. To begin with, there is the no basis which consists in walk with a slight twist and is done in a manner lateral. Then there are the turns. This is a key step in the dance. It consists of a change of direction used to change partner. Let's move on to round which are done at two hands Or under the arm. Then the kicks who are kicks in sync with music. Finally, the lift which is a movement acrobatic, it is the lifting of the partner over the head. 

Among the different forms of swing we find the boogie-boogie, THE linda hop where the west coast swing and can be compared to square dancing. 

Rain Dance

Does rain dancing mean anything to you? It is a dance done by the indigenous tribes of the country. It comes from the belief that dancing can bring rain. The inhabitants were dressed in feathers and of masks and danced in a circle. THE movements are repetitive And rhythmic accompanied by drum beats. Dancers move in a line or circle and may do jumps or some rotations

Rock and roll

This is a typically American dance! It is above all a music which emerged in the 1950s. It is a couple dance known for its fast pace. It consists of a cascade of separation, rotation And reconciliation. Note that the partners never let go of each other because they hold hands throughout the dance. The knight guides his lady thanks to the position of the hands and impulses. THE movements are done using arm and legs which must be constantly inflected to move forward and backward during the dance. This is what makes Rock and Roll so difficult. 


Over the centuries, Africans have deployed their culture and their dances. Very often, their dances are linked to the nature, to beliefs and to life changes. Let's review some popular dances. 


It is a modern dance that refers to the time of apartheid when mine workers were not allowed to speak among themselves and communicated through the sounds emitted by the rubber boots. Dancers wear the same shoes and perform choreography to music. If sacred dances intrigue you, you can read our article on African dances. 

The coupé-décalé

The coupé-décalé dance originating from Ivory Coast evolved in the 2000s. Its particularities are movements fast And jerky including the lower and upper body as well as travel lively and movements complex. Firstly, there is the “not cut” which involves crossing the feet forward, sideways or backward followed by a bounce or jump. THE “quirky” is a movement done to quickly move the pelvis from one side to the other with the knees bent and the legs apart. Then, the "balance" made to swing its arms from side to side while remaining still. Then, the “not hunted” and finally the arm movements fast and jerky. 


Kizomba is a dance that began in Angola between 1980 and 1990. This dance is composed of movements slow And crystal clear with a strong connection between partners. In terms of movements, we speak of shifts And touch of foot, of the rotations as well as sensual hip movements


Unlike the West, Asia has always had the taste of dance. She always had the Art status and has a primordial place within Asian civilizations. The dance steps have a sacred meaning. It’s a real worldview. Let's look at what this is all about. 

Lion Dance

It is a Chinese dance anchored in the most prestigious traditions of the country. The Chinese only do it for major events such as Chinese New Year, opening a restaurant or a wedding. The Lion Dance has a spiritual aim. Indeed, it is used to bring luck, bring prosperity, success, happiness and to ward off evil spirits. It is produced by two dancers dressed as lions. They perform movements in synchronization forimitate the behavior of the animal. Particularly head, tail, legs and body movements. 


It is a dance reserved for the Khmer kings of Cambodia. But from the 19th century, it became a traditional dance to welcome strangers. THE movements represent the grace And elegance. To do this dance, you have to do complex and flirtatious hand gestures in order to help spectators to represent emotions, objects or situations. Next, the dancers must practice rhythmic and complicated foot movements with turns and jumps. Subsequently, they must tilt and undulate their bodies in a graceful manner. Finally, they must move their heads to convey emotion.  


A traditional dance from Bali, it represents the ballet of the celestial nymphs. To evoke the femininity and the preciousness, women dress in silk and gold. THE gestures are harmonious And crystal clear.


Let's talk about folk dances. Whether in France, England, Russia or elsewhere, each European country has its traditional dances. 

Ramon's dance 

Head to Belgium! Imagine two lines being made. On one side the women who stand in the ostrich position. On the other, the men who hold each other's shoulders. Women and men strike the ground with their feet. 


Ballet is one of the most complicated dances of all time. It was during the Renaissance in Italy that ballet was perfected. There are four types of ballet: classical, contemporary, romantic or neoclassical. We retain movements THE jumps, THE pirouettes, THE large throws, THE legs stretched And folded And adagios to create elegant figures. 

The kalinka

The kalinka is a folk dance rhythmic Russian practiced during celebrations. To do this, we use not chased, of the jumps, of the towers, of the not polkas, of the circular, vague and complex arm movements while using your legs raised alternately. 

The benefits of dancing 

Want to get started in world dance? Know that each dance is unique and brings virtues specific additional to those we are going to see. Dancing gives you: 

  • Revitalization of the heart and lungs
  • Provides muscle strength
  • Increases your endurance and aerobic capacity
  • Increases your coordination, flexibility and agility
  • Sharpens your spatial perception and balance
  • Better self-esteem and boosted confidence
  • Weight stability
  • Strengthens your bones

danse du monde : danse traditionnelle chinoise

To sum up

Let's recap what we've seen all along about world dance. 

We have seen that the dances of the world have a important place in our civilizations both socially and at the level of Cultural Heritage. They fill 3 functions : entertainment, artistic and ceremonial. 

Then we explained the different traditional dances from Latin America and the Caribbean which are as follows: 

  • Flamenco
  • Bollywood dance
  • Tango
  • Salsa
  • Bachata
  • Reggaeton

We continued with the famous dances of North America

  • Break dance
  •  hip-hop
  • The swing
  • Rain Dance
  • Rock and roll

Right after, we looked at thepopular dances of Africa

  • Gumboot
  • The coupé-décalé
  • Kizomba

We continued with famous dances in Asia

  • Lion Dance
  • Apsara
  • Legong

To conclude, we took an overview of the famous dances in Europe

  • Ramon's dance
  • The Kalinka
  • Ballet

The general virtues of dance

Dancing gives you benefits even if there are more specific ones depending on the dance chosen. Here are the different benefits which you can draw: 

  • Regenerates your lungs and heart
  • Weight stabilization
  • Gain muscle strength
  • Regaining self-confidence
  • Lengthens your endurance and aerobic capacity
  • Improves your coordination, flexibility and agility
  • Enriches your perception of space and your balance
  • Tone your bones

Dance at DECIBEL ®

World dance appeals to you but you don't know which dance to go for? We suggest you try dancing with DECIBEL®

Take advantage of 45 minutes of dance And workout. Exhaust yourself cardio on the rhythmic choreographies. Want to strengthen your upper body ? Carefree, draw your abs, thighs and glutes. 

Let yourself be seduced bysubdued atmosphere, motivating playlists from Drake to Beyoncé. Above all, don't be afraid to dance in front of our coaches. They will help you progress. We are just waiting for you at DECIBEL ®  ! 



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