Rédactrice WEB
Passionnée par la rédaction web depuis plusieurs années, Amélie est animée par les sujets lifestyle et bien-être.
Elle adore se renseigner sur les bonnes pratiques des sports tendances sur le marché et apporter ses meilleures astuces !
His mantra
Donner le meilleur de soi-même dans ce qu’on entreprend !
Articles written by: Amélie
You don't think you have a sense of rhythm? You are not the only one, we reassure you. Here is…
Do you want to lose weight but sport is not really your thing? Get started dancing…
Do you want to start dancing without taking classes every day? We take stock…
Learning to dance in pairs motivates you? We tell you everything you need to know for yourself…
Do you want to learn to dance but don't know where to start? Here are tips for when…
Learning to dance on your own means learning the basic steps. Here are our tips to help you…
How to dance well? Let’s take stock together to help you improve your dancing level….
You want to start dancing as a beginner but you don’t know what style you…