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Cours de danse Paris 19 : venez illuminer le dancefloor

Défoulez-vous avec des cours de danse sans jugement chez DECIBEL®. Nos coachs vous accompagnent sur les différentes chorégraphies au rythme de playlists de folie. Le tout, dans un studio plongé dans la pénombre avec des jeux de lumière digne des meilleurs night-clubs !


Try the dance workout
the most excited in Paris.



Valid for 1 month
One purchase per member

They talk about us.

(In a good way, obviously.)

Des cours de danse ouverts à tout le monde

Les cours de danse DECIBEL® sont pensés pour que tout le monde trouve sa place sur le floor. Aucun niveau et aucun jugement. Défoulez-vous dans une ambiance tamisée avec des jeux de lumière pour enchaîner les chorégraphies sans pression !

La danse décomplexée pour une expérience immersive

Vous allez découvrir une vraie ambiance immersive avec des coachs qui vous aident à déconnecter. Tout ça, pendant 45 minutes avec des playlists exclusives pour que vous vous dépassiez avec le groove !

Le meilleur studio de danse de Paris

Les boîtes de nuit de New York ça vous parle ? DECIBEL® c’est un peu la même vibe, un studio de danse plongé dans la pénombre avec une ambiance entrainante. Sans oublier nos coachs qui vous aident tout au long de votre session.

La danse, le sport qu’il vous fallait

Vous allez faire briller le floor, mais ce n’est pas tout. Avec nos workouts de danse, vous bossez votre cardio et renforcez vos muscles avec des haltères. Abdos, cuisses, fessiers, etc. Vous allez être surpris de l’efficacité de nos chorées !

Vos cours de danse préférés à quelques minutes de Paris 19

Pour vous défouler chez DECIBEL®, traversez le 19e arrondissement et venez à Beaubourg ! Canal de l’Ourcq et Buttes Chaumont sont juste à côté de notre studio de danse.

Comptez une vingtaine de minutes top chrono pour venir enflammer le floor. Ligne 5 et ligne 11 du métro, arrêt Rambuteau, un peu de marche et hop vous êtes prêt à danser.

Ne perdez pas une minute de plus et venez tester la danse décomplexée dans notre studio à deux pas de Paris 20. On n’attend plus que vous pour monter le son et switcher sur off !


Try the dance workout
the most excited in Paris.



Valid for 1 month
One purchase per member


At DECIBEL® we believe deeply in inclusivity. Our classes are open to all levels, providing a welcoming space where everyone can freely express themselves through dance, regardless of their level of expertise. Furthermore, we also believe in diversity and every day we strive to create an environment where each individual feels respected and supported in their dance journey. 

At DECIBEL®, all our sessions are accessible to beginners, intermediates, experienced… The idea is to be able to go with anyone and have a good time without judgment. The coaches are there to help you let go while dancing. So don't panic, we're waiting for you on the floor: SOUND ON SWITCH OFF.

⚠️ If you are pregnant, some movements can be adapted in case of difficulties. Ask your doctor.

You have several ways to contact us:

Email to: contact@decibel-danse.com
Chat: directly at the bottom right of our site
Homing pigeon: in this case, remember to tell him to take his sneakers, we will offer him a session.

And if you prefer to come see us, we will be delighted to welcome you at the following address:
Studio Beaubourg : 60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris.

We offer different packs and subscriptions for the more or less motivated among you. You can also purchase sessions individually if you prefer.

You can find all the necessary information on the page prices.

For any other questions regarding payments and subscriptions, these links will be useful to you:

Pay directly to the studio
Cancel your subscription

Suspend your subscription
Session taken at closing
Know the balance and the validity date of your remaining sessions

Find the end date of your subscription

If you cannot attend your session, you have 2 options:
1. Cancel your session directly from your account

2. Send us an email to contact@decibel-danse.com

However, remember to cancel your session 12 hours in advance. Otherwise, it will be deducted. This would allow another motivated member to recover your spot.

The session is designed so that the warm-ups help you avoid injury. We therefore advise you not to miss them. Unfortunately, you will be refused access to the session in the event of a delay, and your session will be deducted.

Your bottle of water: we sell water and bottles at reception but if you prefer to bring your own bottle, you will not be refused entry! A water fountain is available to refill your bottle as many times as you want to stay hydrated.

No need for other equipment! We provide you with small towels for the session, large towels for the shower as well as hygiene and beauty products to leave you looking like new!

Outfit: we're here to sweat and let off steam! Leggings, jogging, t-shirt, crop top, bra, shorts… the important thing is that you are comfortable.

Shoes: for your feet, we obviously opt for sports shoes, such as cross-training or running.

When it comes to equipment, we take care of everything! Yes, we are very far-sighted.

Before the session:
No need to bring a lock for the lockers. They close with a customizable number combination. If you run out of battery on your phone before the session, some lockers are equipped with it!
Don't forget to help yourself to the napkin pyramid before entering the round!

After the session:
Uh guys… we said: we’re going to sweat! No question of letting you go back to work or go for a romantic dinner in this state. In the men's and women's changing rooms, you will find showers as well as all the necessary products: towel, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, moisturizing cream and even the latest Dyson hair dryers.

Besides being cool you mean?

DECIBEL® sessions are happiness for the mind and the body: cardio, muscle and bone strengthening, as well as endurance. You will see an improvement in your physical condition, your balance, your breathing and your coordination, while burning more than 350 calories in one session.

Doing choreographies together also allows you to work on your memory, your concentration and your self-confidence.

Our favorite part? The secretion of endorphins during the session which allows you to feel truly relaxed after each session at DECIBEL®. Enough to be in a good mood for the rest of the day!

Les sessions mélangent un peu tous les styles pour chacun.e y trouve son bonheur. Danse classique, modern jazz, hip-hop, barre au sol, danse contemporaine, danse traditionnelle, etc. C’est un petit melting pot des différents styles de danse pour apprendre à découvrir tous les styles.


But rest assured, you are not going to do complicated choreographies or lots of repetitions of the same movements! The goal is to make dancing easy for everyone!

DECIBEL® est en plein cœur de Paris, dans le 4e arrondissement, à Beaubourg. Alors, depuis Paris 19, vous avez environ 25 minutes de métro pour rejoindre le studio.


Comme on pense à vous, on vous a mis l’itinéraire à suivre juste ici :

  • Montez dans la ligne 5 du métro direction Place d’Italie
  • Descendez à République
  • Récupérez la ligne 11 direction Châtelet
  • Après 2 arrêts, arrêtez-vous à Rambuteau
  • Marchez dans la rue Rambuteau le long du centre Pompidou
  • Ensuite, prenez la rue Quincampoix sur votre gauche
  • Cherchez le numéro 60 et hop vous serez arrivé à destination

To take dance classes in Paris, you have the choice. There are several dance schools (Harmonic, La Roulotte à vapor, Kim Kan, etc.) and dance studios that exist in the capital. But if you want to discover dance from another angle, without judgment and without pressure, you have to come to DECIBEL®…

Shareable subscription

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the type of session,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte fréquentation.

Postponable sessions

Sick? On vacation? Or is your week too busy preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?

No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.