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Free your movements with modern jazz dance
Modern jazz dance, Does this name mean anything to you ? Surely since it is one of the most widespread in the world. If so many people practice it it is because it is more free and more creative than classical dance. It is also appreciated for its rhythmic work. Do you want to get started in this discipline but need more information? We tell you everything on the subject.
How did modern jazz dance appear?
In the 20th century, dance experienced different trends. On the one hand through the growth of ballet and contemporary dance which will give birth to modern jazz dance. Characterized by energetic and challenging footwork and tempo, it's the best way to challenge yourself. If you want to shine with rigor and creativity, now is the time to add modern jazz to your repertoire.
Modern jazz dance find his origin in the southern United States Louisiana. It is the fruit of a miscegenation between the African dances and the European dances as well as traditions and the culture of each one. Modern jazz comes from pain, there CONTESTATION and theoppression that suffered by African-Americans. Characterize by its joy of living, her freedom of expression and his improvisation, today, this dance represents the happiness and the party.
It really comes to life in the jazz clubs of New York but also thanks to choreographers as Matt Mattox who does not hesitate to superimpose of the elements dance classic, of folklore and other movements primitives. He can also thank modern dance pioneers Ruth Saint-Denis and Ted Shawn for teaching him the necessary dynamics and energy.
This style of dance would not have seen the light of day without the anthropologist Katherine Dunham. Indeed, thanks to her work and her travels to study African dances, she ended up setting up the first jazz dance troupe based in Chicago in the 1940s, named Katherine Dunham Company. At this same time, the musical comedies are interested in this new format and Jack Cole integrates it into his own giving a European aspect to the dance with a marked rhythm and surprise effects. These two personalities are considered to be the precursors of modern jazz.
Modern Jazz arrives in Europe
LModern jazz established itself in France in the 1920s within the cabaret. In 1925, Josephine Baker introduces the dance Black Bottom and the Charleston to the French through its performances in Parisian theaters. Jazz is recognized and very loved by Europeans. This is why, from the end of the Second World War, theJazz in the form of music and dance are used to create new genres: swing and charleston even if the Europeans made them more framed and smooth.
In France, in 1978, Serge Alzetta creates one of the first French jazz dance companies called Jazz perspective. THE early 80s will see the arrival of others companies which will help'expansion as well as theevolution of modern jazz.
Furthermore, if you are curious to know the nature of the Charleston, have fun reading our article on the ballroom dancing, you will not leave disappointed!
Modern jazz dance movements
It is often said that the modern dance and the modern jazz dance look alike. For good reason, each of these disciplines are severe on the technical of dance and both have a basis of footwork but these are their only points in common. Modern jazz differs by its movements which we will see immediately.
The basic steps
Before getting to the heart of the matter and you introduce to dance, it is important to know that it is a practical demanding, you must be able to move quickly with flexibility. You must also be ready to perform swing elements, salsa, ballet, hip-hop and jazz. With that out of the way, let’s learn more about the basic movements.
To become a modern jazz dancer, you can practice these dance steps:
- Shuffle : Shift your feet from one side to another and vice versa. This movement allows you to develop your footwork and increase your range of motion.
- Mambo : it consists of moving your feet slowly from one side to the other and vice versa. This is done to manage your timing and help you progress your footwork.
- The drunk step : Put your feet together. Next, place your right foot diagonally behind your left foot. Bring both feet together. Step your right foot sideways. This movement is done so that you transfer the weight of your body from one foot to another quickly by taking a step to the side or behind. The drunk step is effective in increasing your coordination and amplitude.
- Kick ball changes : This involves kicking with your right foot, bring it back and extend your left leg to the side, pointing your foot.
- Square : Place your left foot in front of your right foot side by side. Then step your right foot back and bring it back so that it is next to the left foot. Finally, place your right foot in front of your left.
- Pivot : Move your right leg forward, turn to one side, pivoting with your feet in semi-pointes. Place your left foot forward and turn around, pivoting.
There is no modern jazz without jumps. Indeed, they represent an important aspect of the discipline and brighten up your movements with energy and provide stimulus. Among the basics we find two:
- Shuttle hop : Your hands wander from side to side while hopping on one foot.
- Kick to kick : This is a kick given on both legs. The first must be placed on the same foot as the one used to raise the leg.
- Thrown : This is a jump where one foot is pushed forward while the other leg follows backward, forming a straight line in the air.
- Arabesque stir-fry : Jump where one leg is extended behind the body while the other is bent to provide momentum for the jump. Then hop on one or two feet.
To know that the whole body is mobilized. Indeed, these are the belly, THE hips and the bust who carry out the movements. Thus, the legs are inflected close to the ground. There mobility come from basin, of the shoulders and some spine. Unlike classical dance which requires a straight outfit where only the arms and legs move.
Moreover, even if the movements are free, there is still a technical like a coordination of movements, a isolation of certain parts of the body, of the jumps and one gravity control.
Nowadays, modern jazz is regularly seen in competitions, on television or at concerts.
Pushed movements
Now that you know the basic steps. here are some complex movements which will allow you to progress and you deify.
- Thrown tower : It is a jump that begins with a half pirouette then a throw. It serves as a rotation in a choreography.
- Beat developed : One leg is raised in front of the body then unfolded up and down in a quick, fluid movement.
- Fan kick : One leg is lifted to the side then swung back while keeping the other leg anchored to the ground. The Fan kick is repeated several times to create a “fan” effect.
- Pique turn : Pirouette done while transferring the weight of the body onto one foot which itself rotates.
What does a course look like?
A modern jazz dance class differs depending on the level of the student and the teacher's way of teaching. However, there is a common base to all courses.
The course begins with a warming up in order to prepare the dancer's body. Inside, we find stretching, of the basic movements and cardiovascular exercises For warm up the muscles And develop flexibility. The course can continue with a learning basic techniques modern jazz like the ones we saw. Then the teacher learns a choreography to students in a sequence of movements to the background of music. The choreography can be a pure creation of the teacher or one already existing. Students have the choice of working on it alone or in a group. Subsequently, improvisation exercises are set up for encourage dancers to create their own movement. Finally, the session ends with stretching For prevent injuries And improve muscle mobility and flexibility.
The benefits of modern jazz
Because you don't exert yourself for nothing, modern jazz dance offers profits as :
- Works in depth all areas of the body
- Strengthens muscles
- Improves memory and concentration
- Develops suppleness and flexibility
- Refines the silhouette
- Coordinate movements
- Increases endurance and breathing
- Allows self-expression
- Reduces stress and anxiety
What you must remember
Let's take stock of the essentials of modern jazz dance. As explained, it is a dance that originated in Twentieth century linked to contemporary dance and ballet in Louisiana. Its movements are drawn from African and European dances inspired by the cultures and traditions of Europe and Africa. There are elements of hip hop or swing for example.
The popularization of this dance would not have happened without its pioneers. Let's start with Matt Mattox who added folkloric, classical and primitive elements thanks to Ruth Saint-Denis And Ted Shawn, THE instigators of the dance modern. Then, the one who democratized this type of dance, Katherine Dunham who set up the first jazz dance troupe in the 1940s. During this time, Jack Cole has incorporated modern jazz into his musicals. Finally, modern jazz dance arrives in France in 1978 thanks to Serge Alzetta who founded one of the first French jazz dance companies.
Concerning the movements, it is the whole body which is required to accomplish them. Besides the members, there are the hips, THE bust and the belly Who working. For more mobility, THE legs are bent near the ground, moreover these are the shoulders, there spine and the basin Who maintain mobility. Modern jazz dance uses a technical which consists of keeping a coordination of movements, A gravity control and an isolation of certain areas of the body.
Movements for training
This style of dance consists of different dance steps. It's a demanding practice which requires speed of movement as well as significant flexibility. To get started, here are some basic movements :
- The drunk step
- Mambo
- Shuffle
- Kick ball changes
- Square
- Pivot
About the jumps, you can try your hand at:
- Kick to kick
- Thrown
- Arabesque stir-fry
- The shuttle hop
To go further, we have offered you complicated movements to carry out:
- Beat developed
- Pique turn
- Fan kick
- Thrown tower
Course progress
Above all, each course is different but we find steps similar:
- Warming up based on stretches, basic movements and cardiovascular exercises to prepare your muscles and increase your flexibility.
- Learning basic techniques
- Creating a choreography already existing or invented by the teacher
- Improvisation exercises to motivate students to create their own movement
- Stretching to prevent injuries, increase flexibility and mobility
All work deserves pay, here are your rewards :
- Muscle strengthening
- Elevates self-expression
- Coordinate movements
- Improves suppleness and flexibility
- Trains your memory and concentration
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Develops your endurance and your breath
- Slims the silhouette
- Deeply shapes your muscles
Dance freely at DECIBEL ®
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