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natation bienfaits : des femmes s'apprêtent à nager


Swimming benefits: a rich activity for the body and mind

Reading time : 10 min

Have you already heard about the benefits of swimming on your body? mental and physical health, but you still doubt their veracity? Today, we remove all doubt from you by certifying that the swimming benefits are very real! Let yourself be carried away by the flow and seduced by its benefits. 


Swimming benefits: the benefits for your body

Swimming is known to be a complete sport. Indeed, this aquatic practice is composed of a multitude of benefits, both physical and mental. The benefits of swimming range from improving the cardiovascular system to reducing stress to strengthening muscles. Let’s dive into the many benefits swimming can provide to your body. 

Muscle strengthening

To start, swimming engages almost every muscle group in the body. In particular, the arms, legs, shoulders, back, abdominals and neck muscles for certain movements such as crawl, breaststroke, butterfly and backstroke. The overall solicitation of the body makes it possible to develop a harmonious musculature, avoiding muscular imbalances. 

Then the water contains a natural resistance, which requires you to run a additional muscular effort to overcome it. This induces a muscular work more intense compared to similar terrestrial activities. Additionally, water acts as a built-in weight, creating progressive resistance that helps build muscle strength gradually as you perform a stroke. 

Adaptability and functional strength

Additionally, swimming is a great way to develop functional strength. That is, your ability to do work the muscles together effectively for everyday movements. In swimming, it is easy to make it grow since this discipline requires coordinated and fluid movements. 

Muscle strengthening also involves adaptability of this sport. In fact, swimming allows you toadjust the intensity of your workout depending on your physical level and your goals. You have the possibility to increase your distance, your speed or your swimming style in order to nuance your muscular training. So you can continue to stimulate your muscles consistently. 

Finally, muscle strengthening helps strengthen the stabilizing muscles that run around the joints, which reduces the risk of injury. 

Improved cardiovascular endurance

In swimming, cardiovascular endurance involves the lungs and the heart. When swimming, your heart is more strong and more effective since he pump more blood with every beat. Concerning the lungs, their ability to absorb oxygen increases and thus allows a better blood oxygenation. 

However, cardiovascular endurance plays an essential role inimprovement of the body's general endurance. Why is this important? Because it allows you to have a better aerobic capacity. This is what allows you to engage in longer and more intense physical activities without them tiring you out quickly. 


Did you know ? 

There aerobic capacity is the capacity of heart, of the lungs and of the respiratory system has efficiently transport oxygen to the muscles used during physical activity. Furthermore, this is used for cardio boxing, there dance to let off steam or even for a intense racket sport. 

Better quality of life

Additionally, improved cardiovascular endurance allows your body to recover faster as well as resist fatigue. 

Furthermore, good cardiovascular endurance has an impact on your life expectancy. Indeed, better cardiovascular endurance reduces the risk of premature death And improves your quality of life allowing you to remain active and independent over time. 

Finally, good cardiovascular endurance is particularly beneficial for athletes involved in endurance sports such as cycling, running or long-distance swimming thanks to higher aerobic capacity. In this sense, the High effort levels are maintained and performance is improved. 

Little impact on joints

If there is minimal impact on the joints in swimming, it is because water provides natural support to your body. Indeed, when you are in the water, your body does not experience gravity in the same way as on earth. This implies that your joints, particularly those of the knees, hips and spine are released of weight which compresses them. Therefore, swimming significantly reduces the risk of injury and is suitable for people with arthritis or joint problems. 

Compared to certain activities such as running or jumping can have a significant impact on the joints. But this is not the case in swimming since the movement in the water allows a shock absorption almost zero, which protects the joints from possible impacts. 

Joint training

Additionally, swimming provides a balanced workout for the whole body. Indeed, swimming requires fluid and coordinated movements that use numerous muscle groups simultaneously for harmonious muscular development.

Furthermore, to avoid any impact, swimming promotes flexibility and the mobility joints. This results in movements fluids And continuous For stretch THE muscles And improve THE movements of the joints.     

Increased flexibility and mobility 

As you know, swimming engages several muscle groups, which allows for gentle and effective stretching of muscles. Flexibility comes from ample movements of the arms, trunk and legs as they stretch the muscle fibers, giving rise to a muscle relaxation.  

Previously, we saw that the joints were stressed. This joint flexibility increases mobility shoulders, knees, hips and spine. The latter can be useful to prevent mobility problems linked to a certain age. 

Furthermore, if you suffer from chronic pain, swimming can be a life-saving activity. Because of'floating effect, water reduces the pressure exerted on the joints and the amplitude and stretching movements relieve pain and promote rehabilitation. 

Burns calories

Fat burning is achieved through constant movements of the arms, trunk and legs which constantly require a significant muscular effort, which increases your energy expenditure and muscle strengthening. Additionally, depending on your intensity and swimming style, you can burn between 400 and 600 calories per hour. 

Also, swimming boosts your metabolism, more precisely, the rate at which your body burns calories while resting. Know that after a swimming session, your metabolism remains high. So you continue to burn calories even after leaving the pool. Which is beneficial for weight loss. 

Consolidation of the immune system 

To maintain optimal health, it is important to strengthen your immune system. Swimming can be a good part of helping improve your body's immune response. What does it do to boost your immune system? Swimming, as an endurance exercise, activates your lymphatic flow in increasing blood flow throughout your body. This allows your immune cells to circulate efficiently and gives your body the ability to fight infections. 

In addition, the inflammations can affect the immune system and make you more vulnerable to infections. Fortunately, the regular, calming movements of swimming help release endorphins, which promotes a feeling of well-being and helps keep the overall health of the immune system stable. 

Blood circulation and respiratory system

Also, cardiovascular activity in swimming improves blood circulation, which gives rise to a better distribution of nutrients and antibodies. Especially since better blood circulation also helps eliminate toxins and waste For maintain a strong and healthy immune system. 

To conclude, swimming requires the respiratory system. Indeed, coordinated breathing movements improve lung capacity and respiratory function. As a result, better breathing promotes optimal oxygenation of cells, essential for the immune system to function properly.   

natation bienfaits : une femme qui nage

Mental virtues

Swimming is not only a refreshing sporting activity, it is also an opportunity to take care of your mental health. Indeed, this discipline offers benefits for the mind and mental well-being. Whether you are in a swimming pool, in the open sea or in a lake, swimming will comfort you by providing you with unique feeling of serenity. Let's see what mental benefits this aquatic activity offers you. 

Reduced stress and anxiety

To start, water has a natural calming effect on the mind. For good reason, feeling the sensation of being enveloped by water develops a feeling of lightness and freedom. This is enhanced by buoyancy which eliminates the feeling of weight and gravity, which promotes deep relaxation. 

If the feeling of freedom is omnipresent, it is because swimming frees endorphins which provide a feeling of euphoria. Swimming regularly helps keep a high level of endorphins in the body, which helps maintain a feeling of well-being in the long term. 

Generally, stress and anxiety are felt through physical tensions such as tense shoulders, muscle pain or headaches. But swimming allows you to to release these stiffness thanks to ample movements. The resistance of the water allows you to perform gentle stretches for relaxation maximum.  

Promotes relaxation

Also, the reduction in stress and anxiety results in the total disconnection from the outside world what swimming offers. Just take the telephone as an example. During a swimming lesson you do not have access to it, you are not contacted by notifications and unwanted calls. You are in a privileged moment to refocus on yourself.  

Finally, swimming promotes better quality of sleep. Combined with relaxation, swimming helps reduce sleep disorders and insomnia. Restful sleep is a real asset for reducing stress. 

Water meditation 

Water meditation begins with a awareness of your breathing. By focusing on your breathing rate while swimming, you can ground yourself in the present moment. Since each movement is coordinated with breathing, harmony between body and mind is created. This way, your mind is calmed and your anxious thoughts dissipate. 

Another point of meditation is to fully feel the sensations of your body in the water. All movements must be experienced with active presence. Every movement becomes an opportunity to stay here And concentrate. Your thoughts will fade away as you focus only on the present moment. So you will develop a state of active and dynamic meditation. 

Meditation is an opportunity to withdraw into your inner space of peace. This way, you can recharge your batteries in complete peace of mind. 

Improved mood

If you practice swimming in a group, this allows you to share pleasant moments with other people who share the same passion. As a result, thepositive social interaction stimulates your positive emotions and creates a feeling of camaraderie

In addition, swimming provides a feeling of relaxation and of pleasure. Whether it's the feeling of floating, splashing or simply swimming, this wetsuit will create moments of happiness. Thus, swimming promotes a positive mood. Furthermore, this activity can make you feel more dynamic And energetic, which can improve your mood. 

Increased self-confidence 

Swimming is a practice that allows you to to stare of the goals and to reach  or even you exceed physically. Therefore, each success builds confidence in your abilities. This process allows you to feel competent and gain confidence in yourself. 

There technical can also increase your self-confidence. Indeed, by working on your technique and perfecting your movements, you develop a feeling of accomplishment and mastery. 

Furthermore, thehe evolution of your endurance and physical condition strengthens your confidence in yourself and your ability to take on challenges. 

Furthermore, group swimming is an opportunity to develop social skills and assert yourself. The interactions you have with other swimmers will boost your self-esteem. By swimming regularly, you will make progress and successes that will help build a positive image of you. 

Release of negative emotions 

Swimming can serve as channel For release accumulated negative emotions. Floating in the water as well as rhythmic and repetitive movements release harmful emotions. You can release stress, anger, sadness and frustration by bringing them out in a healthy and constructive way.   

Also, this place can make you feel the sensation of let go letting yourself be lulled by the water. It's a emotional catharsis where you can live and express your emotions freely. 

Finally, swimming can be similar to natural therapy for the mind and emotions. You have the opportunity to connect with your deep emotions. So you can confront your pent-up feelings and release them safely. 

Mental resilience

Resilience in swimming starts with perseverance to improve your skills and take on challenges. By overcoming obstacles, you will develop a determination. But the pool is murky water, so you will encounter some chess which are an integral part of the learning process and progress. By viewing them as learning opportunities, you will develop a constructive attitude that strengthens your mental resilience. 

Also, your ability to adapt to the unexpected strengthens your mental resilience. 

If you want to be a competitive swimmer, you need to know manage the pressure. It is in competition that your mental resilience can be compromised. Indeed, issues and expectations can confuse your brain. 

Finally, we must aim towards a positive outlook on failure. We must take failure as a way to learn and grow in order to bounce back to success. By applying this way of thinking, you promote resilient attitude

natation bienfaits : des femmes au bord de la piscine

The important points of swimming benefits

We toured the benefits swimming, here they are: 

  • Muscle strengthening 
  • Better cardiovascular endurance
  • Minimal impact on joints
  • Increased flexibility and mobility 
  • Weightloss
  • Consolidation of the immune system 
  •  Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Brings meditation through water
  • Significant improvement in mood
  • Regaining self-confidence 
  • Release of negative emotions 
  • Development of mental resilience

From the pool to dance at DECIBEL ®

Finished diving, do you want to start dancing? Swap your fins for loose jogging pants. Meet at DECIBEL® For work your muscles and your cardio during 45-minute intensive workout sessions. 

Dancing has never been so effective since you can strengthen your cardio, muscles, abs and glutes in a room where dim light premium and your ears will be entitled to playlists composed of the best music from Drake, Beyoncé and many other artists. Count on our exceptional coaches to introduce you to dance like you've never known it before. 

So, are you ready to jump ship? 



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