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zumba à la maison : un groupe de filles faisant de la zumba


Zumba at home: everything you need to know about the practice

Reading time : 9 min

Zumba and its ambient music will not fail to seduce you. But treat yourself to a subscription every month to go to a room of fitness became a luxury. Furthermore, the time constraints and his location can make you disillusion. But the good news is that you can make zumba at home thanks to several tools that we will decipher in this article. 


Zumba at home: the pros and cons

Are you tired of going to the gym and looking to combine sport and comfort? You can try zumba at home. It can be difficult to imagine yourself doing Zumba in your living room. But this workout combining fitness, endurance and strength is easy to do within your four walls. The instructors appear in the form of videos and you will love it!   


Zumba is a popular workout program that combines dance and physical exercises For improve there fitness and the well-being. Usually, Zumba classes take place in gyms or fitness centers. But it turns out that more and more people are opting to practice Zumba at home. 

To begin with, zumba allows you to have a flexibility of the schedule. Indeed, you can practice at any time that suits you, whether very early in the morning or late in the evening, the only master of time is you. You will no longer be restricted by gym schedules, it's the sport that adapts to you.

The house & you

Then, zumba at home offers a incomparable level of comfort and privacy. Because of the comfort of your own home, the clothes you choose without having to worry about how others will look. Therefore, you can decide to do zumba in your pajamas, no one will be able to hold that against you. These aspects allow you to feel fully comfortable and concentrate on your workout. 

To continue, zumba at home is a saving time and money. In fact, you are making a fuel economy to get to your sports venue, but it is also a time saving at a time. Plus, you don't have to pay a monthly subscription since you can invest in different types of sessions at a affordable cost. 

Finally, zumba at home allows a adaptability and an personalization workouts based on your preferences and your needs. The advantage is that you can choose the duration of your workout as well as customize exercise intensity according to your physical condition and choose the type of music you want. 

The inconvenients

Although zumba at home has many benefits, there are some downsides to consider before getting started. 

First of all, when practicing Zumba at home, you may be prone to drop in motivation. It must be said that without the atmosphere of a group course and the help of a teacher and that of other participants to encourage you, it can be tempting to miss sessions or not completely devote yourself to the course. training. Moreover, autonomy, the fact that there is no one to hold you accountable can make common procrastination or lead to premature cessation of sport.  

Then, thelack of correction from the teacher can increase the risk of adopting poor movement technique. Problem, poor posture can lead to injuries on the long term. 

Distractions & lack of sociability 

Furthermore, doing sports at home means being surrounded by several distractions. Ranging from a ringing phone to household chores calling your name, it can be difficult to put all your concentration on the session. In another register, the presence of a member of your family or children can detract from your experience and reduce your training goals.  

Finally, for some people,social aspect group lessons are a real motivation. While homeschooling is destined to be lonely, which can create a feelings of isolation and lack of social interactions. There camaraderie and the support can be key points For maintain your commitment and motivation in practice. 


zumba à la maison :  des femmes dansent la zumba

How to practice zumba at home? 

Zumba is a physical activity that mixes fitness and dance for an energetic and fun workout. If you want to practice zumba fitness At home, there are several solutions that can help you enjoy this activity. 

Paid online course

Thanks to the internet, more and more people are choosing to do zumba fitness at home via paid online courses. They offer a great variety sessions adapted to different skill levels. Indeed, whether you are beginners or experts, you can select courses designed specifically to meet your needs. You can choose your duration, your dance style and the intensity level to best personalize your session. 

Additionally, one of the advantages of paid courses is theaccess to qualified and knowledgeable instructors. These professionals guide you through the exercises, teach you the correct technique and posture to adopt and give advice to boost your results. 

Interaction & product quality

In addition, the courses allow you to benefit from a community support and interaction. Indeed, you can attend live classes, interact with the instructor as well as with your classmates and create discussion groups dedicated to the course. 

Finally, paid online courses are distinguished by their professional production quality. Generally, classes are filmed with high-definition cameras with detailed view of movements and choreographies. In addition, the subscription offers additional content such as nutritional tips and fitness challenges to help you live a healthy lifestyle.  

Free online course

The biggest advantage of free online courses on laptop is accessibility since the courses are open to everyone regardless of financial situation. You can access quality courses without spending money. 

In addition, the internet is full of platforms like Youtube and other websites, sometimes specializing in sports classes. This is also the opportunity for you to choose the format of videos you want like tutorials, workouts or playlists that will help you grow. Furthermore, you can discover different rhythms and movements depending on the style of zumba you choose. Perfect for the zumba beginner at home and advanced people. 


DVDs offer a complete and structured guidance for your session. Moreover, if they are, it is because they are designed by certified teachers who guide you through series of choreographies and dance and fitness exercises. The DVDs present you with predefined sequences so you can follow a precise program without having to worry about planning the following sessions. Additionally, you have the option to repeat sessions as many times as you want. This allows you to go at your own pace and improve your technique as well as master the choreographies without feeling pressure or discouragement. 

Learn zumba

Whether you're new to zumba or want to get familiar with the basic steps, knowing the fundamentals is essential to getting the most out of this activity. 

The basic steps

Let's start with the no salsa. It is one of the central elements of zumba. Easy to reproduce, simply place your right foot slightly forward, then your left foot to the side. Next, return your right foot to its original position and move your left foot behind you. Finally, repeat these movements alternating legs. 

Another step is walk. He is one of the first to know. Standing with your feet together and your arms at your sides, walk, raising your knees slightly while keeping your upper body still. Then, naturally swing your arms to accompany your legs. 

Then you can learn the no merengue. Often used in Zumba, you must spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Continue by placing your weight on one foot and quickly move the other foot while bending your knees. Finally, alternate your foot movements simultaneously to the rhythm of the music to give an energizing effect. 

Reggaeton & cumbia

Also, you may be interested in no cumbia. Spread your legs, move your right foot to the side, bending your knee slightly. After which, you will return your right foot to its initial position and then repeat this movement with your left foot. 

Finally, you can take a look at the no reggaeton. Start by spreading your legs shoulder-width apart and then slowly bend your knees. Next, quickly move your hips from side to side, keeping your upper body still.  

The stimulated areas

Zumba uses different areas of your body, which makes this discipline a complete sport. 

First, zumba uses the cardio and to endurance. Indeed, above all, Zumba is a cardiovascular activity. How is it possible ? Because you chain movements rhythmic et dynamics that increase your heart rate and stimulate your cardiorespiratory system. So your lung capacity is strengthened, you burn calories And improve your endurance. 

Second, you work intensely on your legs and your glutes. This is because the jumps, squats and lunges you perform engage the quadriceps, calves, hamstrings and gluteal muscles. You will get toned leg muscles. 

Upper body

Third, your entire trunk is required. Some movements focus on strengthening the core which includes the abdominal muscles, core muscles and back muscles. It is gestures such as rotations, hip movements and twists that engage them and maintain balance during the dance.  

Lately, the arm and the shoulders are activated. They are mainly useful for repetitive movements that help tone these muscles. 

The benefits

Practicing Zumba at home has many benefits for physical and mental health. 

First, zumba at home promotes weight loss. Indeed, it is an activity that makes you move intensely and makes you burn calories. A session can help you increase your metabolism. While dancing you can lose 500 calories per hour. 

Then you strengthen and tone your muscles. Regular practice can help you build stronger muscles, improving your strength and physical appearance. 

In addition, zumba is a way toimprove your cardiovascular health. Exercises allow you to increase your heart rate, improve your cardiovascular system and blood circulation. 

Gestures and well-being

Subsequently, you reduce your stress and improve your mood. This is due to the release of endorphins which reduce stress and promote a feeling of well-being in your body. 

Finally, zumba favors coordination since the movements require you to coordinate your arms, legs and hips.  

The right outfit

When practicing zumba, it is important to wear appropriate clothing that offers you both freedom of movement and comfort. If you don't have the right clothes, you won't be able to fully enjoy your session and perform the dance moves with ease. So here are some tips on what clothes to wear when dancing. 

  • Choose comfortable clothes: Choose lightweight, stretchy, loose and breathable materials. Turn to tank tops, camisoles or loose t-shirts. For the bottom, opt for sports pants, leggings or wide shorts. 
  • Sports bra: It is an ideal element for good support and light compression to minimize chest movement. 
  • Sport shoes : Choose lightweight, flexible shoes with good cushioning to protect your joints and feet. For this sport, favor fitness, sports or dance shoes. 

zumba à la maison :  une femme danse la zumba

What you must remember

Zumba at home has several advantages as well as disadvantages at a time when some people like teleworking, others do not adhere to it. This is why it is important to take into account the pros and cons before you get started. 

THE profits zumba at home: 

  • Schedule flexibility
  • Comfort and privacy
  • saving time and money
  • Adaptability and personalization of exercises


THE constraints

  • Loss of motivation
  • Risk of procrastination and completely stopping the practice
  • Lack of correction from the teacher
  • Adapting poor posture
  • Injuries
  • To be distracted 
  • Lack of social interactions

Different ways to do zumba at home

Today, there are several manners to be able to practice zumba at home, the most common are the following: 

  • Paid online course
  • Free online course
  • DVDs


And if you want to know the no basis before you get started, here they are: 

  • Walking
  • No salsa
  • No merengue 
  • No cumbia
  • No reggaeton 


You are curious to know what parts of the body are worked ? We tell you right away: 

  • Legs and glutes
  • Trunk
  • Arms and shoulders


If you are concerned about benefits zumba, here are some of them: 

  • Promotes weight loss
  • Improves your cardiovascular system
  • Reduces stress 
  • Develops coordination

Finally, for your outfit, you can opt for the following clothes: 

  • Choose comfortable clothes 
  • Sports bra
  • Sport shoes

Work on your movements at DECIBEL ®

Does the desire to dance and strengthen your body haunt your mind? Don't wait any longer and come dance zumba revisited by DECIBEL®. What should you expect? 45 minutes of intensive workout which are used to strengthen your muscles, to make rhythmic choreographies, has work your abs, glutes and cardio. 

The goal ? You let off steam on exclusive playlists from Drake to Beyoncé so that DECIBEL® feels like your second home. To make you feel at home, the studio is entirely covered with dim light without any judgment on your performance. And if you have any doubts, our coaches are here for you. 

SO, DECIBEL® convinced you to change your cocoon to dance?



Shareable subscription

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the type of session,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte fréquentation.

Postponable sessions

Sick? On vacation? Or is your week too busy preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?

No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.