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chorégraphie danse : un groupe de jeunes danse


The guide to learning how to reproduce an iconic dance choreography

Reading time : 14 min

Dance is an area that is close to your heart and you want to improve by learning dances close to the hip hop or street dance style while remaining modern? Today we offer you a range of dance choreography timeless And innovative


Learn to dance the most famous choreographies

Do you like dancing, but you don't know how to go about learning dance choreography that's making a splash? Don't panic, we have selected for you the best dances to easily reproduce at home, with or without a partner. Whether you are a fan of Michael Jackson, Beyoncé or TikTok, you will definitely find what you are looking for in this article. So, are you ready to dance like a pro? Follow the leader !

Michael Jackson's moonwalk

The moonwalk was inspired by street dancers and popularized by Michael Jackson during a televised performance in 1983. It is considered a symbol of the King of Pop's artistic genius and innovative style. This is a well-known, even iconic, choreography. 

What does the moonwalk consist of? This is a dance step where the feet slide across the floor giving the impression of walking backwards. It is considered a difficult dance step to master, but with regular practice and patience, there is no reason why you can't do it. Here are some tips for successfully moonwalking like a Jackson heir!

The choice of shoes

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of shoes. In fact, it is important to wear shoes that slide easily, such as dress shoes or moccasins. Avoid sneakers or sports shoes because these are the types of shoes that stick too much to the ground. 

The choice of surfaces

The moonwalk is performed on smooth, clean surfaces, so the feet can slide easily without resistance. This is why it is preferable to avoid rough, dirty or wet floors, which potentially hinder movement and could cause accidents. Another category of surface to avoid is slippery surfaces, particularly marble or ice, which can cause you to lose your balance. The most suitable surfaces remain tiles, wood or linoleum. 

The moonwalk in two steps

The first step is to raise the heel of the right foot while keeping the tip of the foot glued to the ground. The left foot, for its part, remains flat on the ground to serve as support. Secondly, you slide your left foot backwards while keeping your right foot still. While the left foot remains flat on the ground without lifting. The right foot remains in contact with the ground via the tip of the foot. 

These operations must be repeated by alternating the feet, while keeping the torso straight and the shoulders relaxed. Finally, keep in mind that the movements must be synchronized with the music. 

Add style to your moonwalk

Once you have mastered the step, you can add style and flow to it. For example, you can speed up or slow down the movement depending on the effect you are giving yourself and extend the length of the steps. Also, you can tilt your body slightly to accentuate the illusion of walking backwards, or tilt your head forward or backward to follow the movement of the body. Finally, you can use your arms to accompany your legs by swinging them back and forth, crossing them over your chest, or raising them above your head. 

Beyoncé's single ladies

The single ladies is one of the iconic figures who has marked the history of dance but also of pop culture. Much more than a simple dance, it highlights the bodies and movements of women. This is a dynamic dance, so it is important to understand it well. Watch the music video and observe the bodily expressions of Beyoncé and her dancers and try to spot the strong moments of the music, especially the one where Beyoncé mimes a ring with a hand gesture. 

Become familiar with the basic steps

The single ladies is a repetitive dance which is based on several movements which are used for the more complex steps of the choreography. 

  • The chased step : move your right foot to the right then bring your left foot closer to your right foot. 
  • The pivot step : it is a step where you turn on yourself while changing direction. Your right foot should be in front of you and you pivot on the tip of your right foot, bringing your left foot next to your right foot. To add depth to this step, you can add arm movements by extending them out to the sides or placing them on your hips. 
  • The skipped step : This is a step jumped on the spot by raising the arms and knees while keeping the torso straight and the gaze fixed. It can also be accompanied by a hand gesture such as pointing or waving. 

The complex steps of the single ladies

The single ladies choreography includes simple steps but also more advanced steps, mixing elements of hip-hop, of jazz and fashion. 

  • THE kick and twist : this consists of lifting the right leg forward, then bringing it back by turning the foot outwards. Then, you must make a half turn on the left leg, raising the right arm above your head. Repeat these movements with the other leg and the other arm. This step is used during the chorus on the lyrics “if you liked it then you should have”. 
  • THE hand wave : this is when your arm forms a wave with the right hand passing through the wrist, fingers, elbow and shoulder. Then, repeat the same thing with the left arm, reversing the direction. You can find this movement on the chorus at the moment of “oh oh oh”.

The others don't

  • THE body roll : you must make a circle with your body, starting from the head towards the bust, hips and knees. Then, return to the initial position by doing the movement in the opposite direction. This step is done on the lyrics “don't treat me to these things of the world” from the bridge.
  • THE jump and clap : here, you have to jump by spreading your legs and raising your arms above your head, clapping your hands while bringing your legs and arms towards the center. Repeat this movement several times, accelerating the pace. The jump and clap occurs during “all the single ladies”. 

Michael Jackson's thriller

Michael Jackson's thriller dance is one of the most famous choreographies in music history. Do you want to dance like the pop genius? Let's go !

The simple steps 

The thriller clip is made up of these steps: 

  • THE not zombie : it consists of walking slowly while raising your arms in front of you like a living dead person. Then, form sliding steps by alternating the right and left foot.
  • THE not a werewolf : Jump in place by raising your knees and spreading your arms out to the sides. Repeat this step 4 times.
  • THE not a broom : sweep the floor with your right foot, then the left, making circular movements with your arms. This step must be repeated 8 times in a row. 
  • THE no clap : clap your hands above your head then in front of your chest, finish behind your back while jumping on the spot. Do this step 4 times.

Psy's gangnam style

Gangnam style is one of the funniest choreographies the internet has ever known! Whether it's for a laugh or to impress those around you with your dancing skills, gangnam style will always be unanimous. 

Psychological steps

The steps of gangnam style are relatively simple, here they are. 

  • THE not from the horse : Jump in place holding your hands as if you were holding the reins of a horse, alternating the right and left foot, do small jumps to the passage “Oppan Gangnam Style”. 
  • THE no lasso : raise your right arm above your head and make circles with your hand as if you were going to throw a lasso during the “Eh- Sexy Lady”.

The others don't

  • THE not from the crossing : cross your arms in front of your chest and spread them to the sides, moving your hips from right to left. Do this step 4 times in a row again on “Oppan Gangnam Style”. 
  • THE step from the bridge : Lean forward with your hands on your knees, then lift one leg back and bring it forward while making circular movements with your head. Continue this step 8 times in a row, changing legs on the second “Eh-Sexy Lady”. 


chorégraphie danse : un groupe de jeunes danse

Easy choreographies for beginners

There are choreographies that do not require flexibility or advanced techniques while still being catchy and dynamic. 

The madison

The madison is a popular dance in the United States which enjoyed great success during the 1960s. It is performed to songs in 4 beats. 

Madison's footsteps

The madison choreography that we see today is the one that is danced over 4 series of 4 steps, a total of 16 movements where at the end, the dancer makes a quarter turn to the right and starts the choreography again. Here are the movements you will find: 

  • THE no kick : your right foot rises in front of you and your left foot comes behind you as you swing your arms from left to right. This movement is performed 4 times. 
  • THE twist : turn your feet inwards, then outwards while moving your hips and shoulders. To be reproduced 4 times. 

Other movements

  • THE slide : slide your right foot to the right then bring your left foot to the side while raising your arms above your head, 4 times in a row. 
  • THE clap : clap your hands above your head, then in front of your chest then behind your back while jumping for 4 times. 
  • THE rock : place your right foot in front of you and place your left foot behind you, moving your torso back and forth. 

The jerk

The jerk is an individual dance that emerged during the 1960s in the United States. It is seen as a social dance that mainly uses the hips, arms and legs. Inspired by rock'n'roll and twist, jerk is mainly danced to pop and rhythmic music. The jerk is composed with the step of the twist, the rock, the kick and the clap that we saw previously. 

The twist

The twist is one of the popular dances that was very popular in the 1960s. It includes rotational movements of the pelvis, legs and gestures of the arms and hands. 

Understanding the twist

To dance the twist, you must first adopt a balanced and relaxed posture. To do this, place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly, keeping your back straight and looking forward. Also, you have the choice of letting your arms hang along your body or placing them on your hips. 

Next, you can rotate your pelvis from side to side, alternating body weight on each foot. Help yourself to your abdominal muscles and glutes. The movement should be fluid without being jerky. 

For example, rotate your pelvis to the right by transferring your body weight to your right foot. Then, repeat the operation on the left side. 

Variations of the twist

Once you have mastered the basic twist steps, you can add variations to give more dynamism to the dance. You can try the following twists: 

  • THE arm twist : in this version of the twist, you can raise your arms above your head or extend them to the sides. 
  • THE twist with legs : here, you can raise your heels when pivoting your pelvis. Also, you can cross your legs or do jumps. 
  • THE twist with the bust : instead of keeping your shoulders fixed, you can rotate them slightly in the direction opposite to the pelvis. You can also lean your torso forward or backward, or rock it from side to side.
  • THE twist with the head : you can turn your head in the direction of pivoting of the pelvis or direct your gaze downwards or upwards. 


Rock'n'roll is often danced as a couple at parties to energetic music. The goal of rock'n'roll is to perform lateral shuffle steps alternating between the right and left foot following a 4/4 rhythm in 6 beats. 

Basic gestures

To begin, the dancer places his right hand on the dancer's back, at shoulder blade level. Then the dancer puts her left hand on the rider's shoulder. Next, the dancer performs a shuffle step to the right with their right foot on the first beat. On the second beat, he brings his left foot next to his right. He takes another step to the right with his right foot in the third beat. After which, he takes a chased step to the left with his left foot on beat 4. On beat 5, he brings his right foot next to the left. Finally, at time 6 he repeats a step to the left with his left foot. 

Then, it is the dancer's turn to reproduce these movements but in the opposite direction. 

Other versions of rock'n'roll

  • THE rock'n'roll with tricks : turning on the spot or around your partner replaces chasing steps. In fact, the dancer can turn his partner around or around him by holding her hands and drawing her towards him.
  • THE rock'n'roll with the jumps : you can do jumps on the spot or in the air. For example, the dancer can lift his date by the waist and make her jump into the air. Another possible case is the dancer who makes his partner jump by the hands by making her pass over or under his legs. 
  • THE rock'n'roll with acrobatics : it is possible to perform acrobatics. Indeed, the dancer can carry his partner on his shoulders or with outstretched arms or even throw her in the air and catch her by the hands or feet. 

Tiktok teaches you how to be a real dancer

Tiktok is a social network known for mainly showing dances. Some content creators had fun creating them. Today, we offer you 5 viral choreographies on the platform. 

The renegade

The renegade is one of the TikTok dances that has created a buzz. Appreciated for its rapid and synchronized movements to the song “Lottery” by K camp, it has been taken up by millions of users, notably by celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Charlie d'Amelio and Lizzo. The music is done in 16 beats, so you have to be able to count the beats while synchronizing your gestures with the music. 

How to dance the renegade? 

Stand with your feet slightly apart. It is made up of 8 main movements which we will detail. 

  • The woah : it consists of raising the right arm above the head and suddenly lowering it downwards, making a circle with the hand. The left arm remains alongside the body. This part is done on the first beat. 
  • The clap : you must clap your hands once, placing them in front of you on the second beat. 
  • Cross country : it is an arm crossing to be done in front of you by placing the right arm above the left on the third beat. 
  • The open : you must spread your arms to the sides, stretching them at shoulder level on count 4. 

The last 4 steps

  • Figure 8 : you must make a figure 8 with your arms starting from the bottom to the top. First, pass your right arm under your left, then raise your right arm above your head. Continue by passing your left arm under your right arm then raise your left arm above your head on counts 5 and 6. 
  • The roll : this consists of rolling the shoulders backwards, starting with the right shoulder then the left on counts 7 and 8. 
  • The punch : it involves throwing a punch forward with the right arm then the left on beats 9 and 10. 
  • The dab : Here, lower your head toward your right shoulder while raising your left arm above your head and bend your right elbow in front of your head on count 11. 


There are still 5 beats left to complete. To do this, repeat the first 4 movements on beats 12,13,14 and 15. The last beat is dedicated to jumping on the spot, spreading your arms and legs. 

The savage

The savage is one of the most shared dances on TikTok, it follows the rhythm of the eponymous music by Megan Thee Stallion. It is danced in 16 beats with 11 main movements including the 8 that we have previously which have the same sequence. 

New gestures

The last 3 which complete the choreography are as follows: 

  • The hit the folks : this ninth gesture consists of lifting the right leg forward while raising the right arm stretched backwards and lowering the left arm along the body on beat 12. 
  • Lean : your body should be leaning to the right while raising your left arm above your head and bending your right elbow in front of your face on count 13. 
  • The whoop : raise both arms above your head, spreading them apart and making a mouth noise on count 14. 

The last two beats are to be done on the first two gestures, that is to say, the woah and the clap. 

The say so

The say so is characterized by fluid and elegant movements. This dance comes from the eponymous music by Doja Cat. It is made up of 9 movements and is performed over 16 beats. 


  • Point : this first movement consists of pointing the right index finger forward while looking at your hand on the first beat. 
  • The clap : clap your hands once in front of you on beat 2. 
  • The roll : roll your shoulders back from the right shoulder to the left on counts 3 and 4. 
  • The wave : Make a wave with your right arm from the bottom to the top. To do this, extend your right arm in front of you on beat 5, then bend it on beat 6, bring it back on beat 7 and release it on beat 8. 
  • The snap : Snap your fingers with your right hand, above your head on beat 9. 

The latest movements

  • Cross country : cross your arms in front of you, placing the right arm above the left on count 10. 
  • The open : spread your arms out to the sides, extending them at shoulder level on count 11. 
  • Disco : Raise your right arm above your head while bending your left elbow in front of your face on count 12. 
  • The shake : shake your head from right to left while making a mischievous smile on beats 13,14,15 and 16.

The blinding lights

The blinding lights are danced to the music of the same name by the artist The Weeknd. There are 8 steps there. 

  • Not 1 : cross your arms in front of your chest while swinging your pelvis from side to side following the rhythm of the music. 
  • Step 2 : open your arms to the sides and raise your shoulders alternately, in the same way as you shrug them.
  • Step 3 : Bring your arms in front of you, making a circle with your hands in front of your face, at eye level. 
  • Step 4 : put your arms at your sides and take one step forward with your right foot and one step back with your left foot. Then clap your hands twice in front of your chest. 

The last steps

  • Step 5 : Raise your hands above your head and clap your hands twice, then lower your arms and clap your hands twice again in front of your chest. 
  • Step 6 : cross your arms in front of your chest and swing your pelvis from side to side as in the first step. 
  • Step 7 : open your arms and raise your shoulders as in the second step. 
  • Step 8 : repeat step 3. 

The toosie slide

The toosie slide is a dance originating from Drake's music of the same name. It consists of taking sliding steps with the arms and feet. It is made up of 4 steps. 

  • Not 1 : lift your right foot and take a step forward, continue by sliding your left foot to the right while crossing your right foot. At the same time, raise your right arm and point your index finger to the right. 
  • Step 2 : Lift your left foot and take a step back, then slide your right foot to the left, crossing your left foot. Meanwhile, raise your left arm with your index finger pointing to the left. 

The last steps

  • Step 3 : Raise your arms above your head and clap your hands twice, lower your arms and clap them again in front of your chest. 
  • Step 4 : pivot your body to the right and take a step forward with your right foot then take a step back with your left foot while swinging your arms back and forth. 

chorégraphie danse : un couple âgé danse

To conclude

During this article we have different types of choreographies going through the most known

  • Michael Jackson's moonwalk
  • Beyoncé's single ladies
  • Michael Jackson's thriller
  • Psy's gangnam style


Next, we reviewed the easiest dances to do

  • The madison
  • The jerk
  • The twist
  • Rock'n'roll


Finally, we debunked the emblematic dances of the social network Tik Tok

  • The renegade
  • The savage
  • The say so
  • The blinding lights
  • The toosie slide


Getting started at your own pace at DECIBEL ®

Are you looking for a discipline that combines coordination and fun? Dance is the sport for you! If you want to shine on the dance floor, go to DECIBEL ®. 

This dance studio not only aims to make you dance but also to twork on your cardio, your abs and strengthen your thighs during 45 minute sessions. The formula of dance workout immerses you in the best conditions to learn the choreographies the most popular in history. In fact, you are immersed in a subdued atmosphere accompanied by playlists made to let off steam! In addition, you can trust our coaches so that one day you can show your dancing skills on stage. 

Become a dance star at DECIBEL ®. 



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