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Lose weight by dancing at home: the best dances
Do you want to dance while burning as many calories as possible at home? Dancing is a fun and effective method for losing weight. Far from gyms and restrictive diets, it is possible to lose weight by dancing at home while having fun.
Cardio dances to lose weight by dancing at home
Dancing is a complete physical activity that works all muscle groups in the body, helps burn fat and provides a feeling of well-being. Furthermore, you have the choice between many types of dance, for all levels. We give you the keys to losing weight by dancing at home!
What is dance cardio?
There cardio dance is a type of dance that uses the cardiovascular system to allow the body to exercise a large amount in a short time. This is an ideal type of dance for tone muscles, burn calories and improve endurance. Furthermore, cardio dances are rhythmic and particularly work the legs, abdominals, arms and glutes.
There Zumba is a sport that mixes dance and aerobic movements to Latin rhythms. This dance was invented in the 1990s thanks to Colombian choreographer Alberto Perez. Zumba is a global success with more than 15 million dancers worldwide. Furthermore, this practice allows you to burn between 369 and 613 calories in one session.
Zumba steps
But what are the zumba steps that help you lose weight while dancing at home? Here are some steps you can incorporate into your sessions at home. Above all, Zumba steps are done at a fast pace which mainly uses the legs, abdominals, arms and buttocks.
THE no basis consists of taking a step forward with the right foot then bringing the left foot next to it. Then, take a step back with your right foot and place your left foot next to it. These movements are repeated by alternating feet.
Steps specific to zumba
Then you can add the no cumbia which is carried out at an average pace. To begin, step to the side with your right foot and place your left foot behind it, then step to the side with your left foot. Finally, your right foot should be in front of your left foot. Repeat this movement, alternating sides.
Also, you can practice no reggaeton. Start by taking a step forward with your right foot and bend your knees in a circular motion with your hips, finish by returning to the initial position. Repeat the operation with the other foot.
Finally, you can turn to the no merengue. This is performed at a rapid pace by taking a step to the side with the right foot, then raise the left knee. After which, repeat the movement with the left foot.
Latin dances
Latin dances are particularly effective for weight loss.
First, you can try salsa which makes you burn between 405 and 480 calories per hour. It is a dance of Cuban origin which can be practiced as a couple dance or solo. THE not are fast and are essentially composed of rotations, of lateral movements, of foot games and of changes of direction. Here are the steps that help you lose fat.
Steps to lose weight
You can start with the no mambo. This consists of taking a step to the side using the right foot while bringing the left foot to the side. Then, follow up by taking a step to the side with your left foot, placing your right foot next to it. Repeat the movement, alternating sides.
You can also opt for the no crusader. Start by taking a step forward with your right foot and crossing your left foot in front of your right foot. Repeat this with the left foot forward, then with the right foot forward with the left foot back finishing with the right foot behind.
Samba is a Brazilian dance, practiced solo or in a group. It focuses on sideways movements, quick steps, jumps, bounces and undulations. In one session you can burn between 405 and 480 calories. Here are some steps you can practice at home.
Steps to burn calories
Start with the no basis which consists of taking a step to the side with the right foot, raising the left knee, finishing with a step to the side with the left foot. Repeat alternating sides.
Then you can integrate the no voltas. This is done by taking a step forward with the right foot, then make a half turn on the right foot. Continue with a step back with your left foot. Finish with a half turn of the left foot. Repeat this step, alternating feet.
Finally, you can reproduce the no batucada. He starts with a side step with the right foot, bend the knees and make a circular movement with the hips before returning to the initial position.
African dances
THE African dances are interesting for losing weight, notably the coupé-décalé and the sabar. Indeed, due to their pace and energy, they are capable of burning between 300 and 800 calories in one session.
The coupé-décalé
Coupé-décalé is a style of dance that appeared in the early 2000s. It allows you to burn between 500 and 900 calories in each session depending on your intensity and level.
To dance the coupé-décalé, you can use the not cut. First, alternately raise your knees bringing them towards your chest while swinging your arms from right to left simultaneously. Then, continue with the staggered step by taking a side step with your right foot and bring your left foot closer to it while raising your right arm upwards. Do the same on the other side, switching your feet and arms. Dance from left to right.
The others don't
Another step allows you to lose calories, this is the no kpangor. Lean forward, spread your legs, bend your knees, place your hands on your thighs, raise your chest and open your mouth. Then jump into the air shouting “kpangor”.
Finally, you can add the no zoropoto. It involves undulating the body from head to toe imitating the movement of a wave using your spine, arms, hips, shoulders, legs and feet.
The sabar
The sabar is a traditional dance from Senegal. THE mbalax is the basic step, it is a jump in place raising the knees while swinging the arms up and down. It is completed with the talmbat which consists of moving forward by raising your knees while taking small steps. Additionally, the body must move back and forth to the beat of the music. Also, you can have fun reproducing the no bakk. You have to raise your arms towards the sky, opening and closing your hands while dancing on yourself. Finally, you can close this dance with the no ndeup by leaning forward, spreading your legs, bending your knees and placing your hands on your thighs.
Gentle dances to burn calories
Gentle dances are based on fluid and relaxing movements. Among them, you can count on classical dance, fit ballet and meditative dance.
There classic dance consists of many steps and figures that help you lose weight. Here is a selection of four movements that can play a role in weight loss.
Movements for weight loss
- A cat jump : This is a position where the dancer bends and quickly extends each of their knees into the air. By performing it several times, you burn 10 calories per minute.
- The pirouette : it is a 360° rotation which is carried out on one foot. You must keep your torso straight with your gaze fixed and your arms rounded. This exercise burns 8 calories per minute.
- The great throw : it is a jump that starts on one foot and ends on the other with one leg straight and the other behind, slightly bent. So, you burn 12 calories per minute.
- The arabesque : it is a balance figure where the dancer has one leg stretched back with the bust slightly tilted forward and one arm stretched forward. While the other leg can be placed flat in demi-pointe or en pointe. This way, you burn an average of 200 calories per hour.
The ballet fit
Fit ballet is a form of ballet that combines fitness and classical dance movements. Certain steps are designed to work on cardio, muscles and above all burn calories. Here are a few.
How to lose weight with fit ballet?
- The throw : it is a jump that starts from a momentum, where the dancer throws one leg forward while the other is swung back, which creates a large gap in the air. This posture burns 400 calories per hour.
- The fold : it is a movement which consists of flexing and extending the legs. It burns 200 calories per hour.
- The beat : From a closed position, the dancer throws one leg forward, back or to the side, keeping it straight. This position burns 350 calories per hour.
- The balanced : this is a change of support leg by swinging the body from left to right or front to back. Balancing allows you to burn 250 calories per hour.
Tips for motivating yourself to dance at home
Beyond allowing you to lose weight, dancing is above all a moment of relaxation and well-being. Sometimes it can be difficult to find motivation. So, how can you motivate yourself to dance at home, especially when you're not used to it or when you don't have time? Here are some tips to help you get started in dancing.
Choose a dance style that you like
There are many dance styles to suit all tastes and levels. You probably have a preference for hip-hop, jazz or classical dance. So, the most important thing is to select a dance that pushes you to move and that meets your expectations. For example, if your goal is a weightloss, favor a cardio dance. Conversely, if you only want refine your figure, opt for one slow dance which will work your muscles and your posture in depth.
Set achievable goals
For optimal motivation, set achievable and defined goals. For example, you may have the ambition to lose 2 kilos in 2 months by dancing regularly. Or stick to a steady pace of 3 times a week for 15 minutes.
To conclude
During this article, we have seen several dance forms which allow you to lose weight by dancing at home, in particular:
- Zumba
- Latin dances
- African dances
- Ballet
- The ballet fit
Then, to motivate yourself when you're feeling sluggish, remember your goals and choose a dance style that you like.
Experience weight loss while dancing at DECIBEL ®
If mixing dance and cardio is not a problem for you, DECIBEL® is made for you ! Let off steam on 45 minute dance workout sessions Who strengthen your endurance and muscles.
This is an opportunity to learn catchy and varied choreographies which immerse you in an atmosphere of mutual aid. Refine yourself from session to session toning your abs, thighs and glutes using dynamic coaches that make you sweat under catchy playlists with a dim light.
At DECIBEL®, it’s pleasure above all!
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